Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Undergraduate Scholarship Program 2011-2012

Near East and South Asia Undergraduate Scholarship Program Competition 2011-2012
U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad announces the 2011-2012 Near East and South Asia Undergraduate (NESA UGRAD) Scholarship Program competition. NESA UGRAD will award scholarships to outstanding students from India for one-year non-degree undergraduate study at a diverse network of accredited two- and four-year institutions in the United States with the aim of introducing them to American culture and society.  
Mandatory courses will include U.S. study courses, academic skills training and courses in students’ fields of study.  Participants will take part in community service as well as an unpaid internship.
Candidates will be considered without respect to race, color, religion, national origin or gender. Persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. Competition for the NESA UGRAD Program is merit-based. All candidates should have a good knowledge of English and have certification (ideally, the TOEFL exam) of English ability to study in U.S. colleges and universities.      
The last date of submission of applications to the U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad is December 27, 2010. Applications must be completed electronically and then printed out. Applicants must also submit a type written personal statement.  Short-listed candidates will be called for an interview.

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